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Official online store
of the game "Romance Club"

How to pay for your purchase and our guarantees

YooKassa (only for Russia)

A universal solution for accepting payments on the Internet. See how easy it is to pay! Click on the “Pay” button and you will see our payment page


CorvusPay (Worldwide)

Make your payments faster and hassle-free, in a couple of clicks, without typing in your data, at all points of sale, which accept the CorvusWallet payment method. Keep track of your online spending in one place.


PayPal (Worldwide)

Quick and easy. Millions of customers around the world use us for one simple reason: it’s simple. Just an email address and password will get you through to checkout before you can reach for your wallet.



By making a payment at RomanceClub.com, you agree and accept the terms of non-return of goods in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 26.1 of the law on consumer rights of the Russian Federation.

Just 3 clicks

If you indicate your game UID when purchasing stickers (how to do this is shown below), we will credit the corresponding amount of Tea or Diamonds to your account in the game as a bonus. The UID needs to be copied as follows:

On the main screen select settings

In the pop-up window, select “Tools”

In the pop-up window, select “Copy UID”

Accrual of game bonuses for the purchase of a sticker is possible only if you indicate the correct UID in the “Indicate your UID” field to your order when purchasing.
There should be no extra characters in the “Indicate your UID” field – only your UID.

Happy shopping and happy playing!

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