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of the game "Romance Club"

Tiamat audiobook
Tiamat audiobook

Flower from the Tiamat Fire Audiobook (single-voice)

Flower from the Tiamat Fire Audiobook. Single-voice narration Narration: Andrey Milukhin. Available in: 320 Kbps, 192 Kbps, 128 Kbps, 64 Kbps.

355 rsd
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Nikkal is looking for his missing brother. In her search, she will have to fight with monsters living in the forests and demons hiding in the most hidden corners of consciousness, will encounter adherents of the Tiamat cult, will find magic that was considered lost and will become the one who will have to prevent the impending disaster. Fortunately, she will not have to go through all this alone, but together with the rector of the magic academy, Niall, and the mysterious Sin, who smells of night darkness and mystery... The story of Ursa Rysina, full of exciting adventures, found a magical voice in the person of 13 STUDIO actor Andrei Milyukhin.

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